For temporary relief of swollen tonsils, throat pain, and burning of the throat
According to the German system of homotoxicology the tonsils are organs of excretion for toxins, and detoxification processes as well as inflammatory reactions. One theory is that many cases of chronic and recurring tonsillitis are due to the fact that the acute stage of the inflammation was quickly suppressed by powerful pharmaceutical drugs and the detoxification process was not able to occur. In treating tonsillitis one should attempt to both destroy the pathogen and also aid in the discharge of toxins.
Symptoms include swelling and pain in the neck, pain in the throat, particularly painful swallowing, and often pain radiating to the ears. Other symptoms may be high fever, abscesses on the tonsils, temporary hearing loss, headache, hoarseness, coughing, vomiting, and general ill feelings and fatigue.
Herb Base:
Clove – Mild anesthetic properties. Broad-spectrum antibiotic properties. Considered to be one of the most powerful germicidal agents in the herb kingdom.
Goldenseal – Strengthens the immune system through its antibiotic and antibacterial properties.
Myrrh – Effective as an antibiotic and disinfectant, it causes the body to increase white blood corpuscles up to four fold their regular number.
Sage – The volatile oils in Sage have antiseptic, astringent, and irritant properties, useful for treating sore throats, mouth irritations, cuts and bruises.
Thyme – Thyme’s disinfectant and germicidal effects are greatest in diseases of the upper respiratory passages.
Apis Mellifica – Tonsils are swollen, fiery red. Throat sore, swallowing painful.
Baptisia Tinctoria – Painful swallowing or speaking. Tonsils and soft palate dark red and swollen.
Belladonna – Throat dry and hot. Tonsils enlarged. Throat feels constricted. Swallowing difficult.
Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum – Stitches in throat extending to the ear when swallowing.
Lachesis Mutus – Sore throat beginning on left side. Throat pain extends to ear. Tonsillitis, Choking.
Mercurius Solublis – Sore, raw, smarting, burning throat. Tonsils enlarged. Hoarse rough voice.
Phytolacca Decandra – Throat feels rough, narrow, hot. Tonsils swollen. Mumps.
Jack Ritchason, N.D.; The Little Herb Encyclopedia Robin Murphy; Homeopathic Remedy Guide
The Burton Goldberg Group; Alternative Medicine The Definitive Guide
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