Carbo Animalis 30X – Copper colored eruptions. Acne. Large number of pimples. Unsightly scars from
eruptions. Acne rosacea.
Carbo Vegetabilis 30X – Skin eruptions, acne. Pain is cutting and burning. Skin is raw with fissures and
Kali Bichromicum 30X – Acne. Pustules with black apices. Papular eruptions. Pustular eruption,
resembling smallpox with burning pains. Itching with vesicular eruption.
Natrum Muriaticum 30X – Dry eruptions. The skin is greasy from excess of sebaceous secretion. Redness
of old scars. Disturbances of the digestive tract and skin.
Pulsatilla 30X – Acne in young girls. Ulcers with hard, red, glistening areolae. Urticaria after rich food with
Sepia 30X – Acne, worse before menses. Rosacea. Spots on skin. Urticaria, worse open air better warm
Silicea 30X – Eruptions on chin. Boils and pustules everywhere. Felons, abscesses, boils, old scars, ulcers.
Carbuncles. Coppery spots.
Sulphur 30X – Acne. Eruptions almost of even kind. Unhealthy skin, breaks out, festers and would not
heal. Pimply eruption, pustules. Ulcers.
Zincum Metallicum 30X – Retrocession of eruptions. Poisoning by suppressed discharges and eruptions.
Redness and itching eruptions on chin.